I don't do resolutions, but I do set goals. This year I have two lofty, yet exciting goals:
Goal 1: Bring a baby home
With our home study set to expire this month, we have decided a new approach is needed in 2011. We are currently in the process of moving from our agency's domestic program to their Russian international program. This decision was made with lots of soul searching, plenty of research, and many heart felt discussions. We both feel, without of doubt, that we are doing the best thing not only for our family, but for our future child who needs a loving family.
We have tons of paperwork, evaluations, screenings & educations requirements to complete just to get started in the program so there is no doubt the year is starting off busy. I'll try my best to keep everyone updated on our progress.
Goal 2: Run a half marathon
While, it falls much lower on the priority list, I'm registered to run the USAF half marathon in September. Hopefully, this will be a nice distraction from #1.
I gotta feelin', its gonna be a good, good year!