Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pick a kid, any kid

Now that things are moving along and feeling much more definite, we've started talking to Riley about the adoption process and her new brother. (Yes, I said brother.) I ordered several childrens books on the subject to help explain in terms that I hoped an almost 4 year old could understand.

One book is about all the things that she, as the big kid, will need to teach her new little brother. She now loves telling me about all the things that she is going to teach him and share with him. I'm sure that will change once he's here and its not so new anymore, but for now it warms my heart. Another book explains how mommy & daddy will fly in an airplane, over the ocean to bring home her new sibling.

I'm not sure if Ri is just tired of waiting or if we need to spend a little more time explaining the process because yesterday she told Ms. Janice that she was going "to go to school and bring home a kid".

I wish it was that easy. =)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so excited for your family! Praying this soon comes to fruition for you all!
